Do I go with a less experienced contractor for a significantly lower price? Can I save money by buying my own materials? Should I try to repair the roof on my own? With any investment, such as your home, you really should weigh your options before making major decisions on how to maintain it. Avoid these pitfalls when making decisions on how to preserve your roof. Starting a major roof repair or replacement by yourself (if you are inexperienced). Unless you have extensive roofing knowledge, it’s probably best to leave the roof work to the professionals. Tearing off a roof is dangerous and difficult work. We have often been called in to “rescue” homeowner from a project that they began but soon realized they were in over their heads. The mistake is often made in an effort to save a few dollars, however, this can cause more damage and cost more in the long run. With the proper safety equipment, knowledge and skill level, a certified...
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